Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why am I walking funny?

I had an arthroscopy on my right knee a few months ago. Not a huge operation, but they do anesthasise you for it, leaving you fully knocked out. For some reason my surgeon felt it was necessary to give me a set of pictures of the inside of my knee (I hope that's what the pictures are of). It would explain why I walked a bit funny after, should it be what it looks like it is. Which is of course a knee operation. That's all it looks like.


  1. Hi Ninka, hope your knee is getting better, personally I'm not expecting this kind of surgery for a few years yet. I saw this today, I thought it might be useful to help to exit gracefully from any lingering fuckbuddy relationships that really are past it. Go to, let me know what you think or better still try one on me, you'll have to ask Sophie for my email though as I'm not posting it here, too many weird people might see it! Cheers Kelvin.

  2. Hi Kelvin

    I don't think I need the help of that gadget, I am very capable of telling people how it is! Though you are right, people that look at this site are probably very weird. The fact that I'm a friend of Sophie's says it in a nutshell, really...
