That’s right, pretending. We are after all in prudish New Zealand so we can’t take too much of a liberal approach. The photo shoot was directed in a way that even the slightest bit of boob remains unseen, safely tucked away to the extent it takes away all credibility. The result is laughable and fully defeats its purpose. Have a look for yourself...
Look at this baby's desperate looks at its mum, exhausted after fruitless efforts to suck milk from her cardi. Bitch, what a tease!

Apparently Indian mothers' nipples grow under their armpit. Hmmm,Curdled mother's milk.

And if the size of this kid didn't give away the fact that it's really way too old to be sucking on its mother's tits by now, the fact that her nipple seems to be have reached navel level surely should be a hint, you would think!

Not bitty now, bitty later!
Weten ze in Nieuw Zeeland waar babies vandaan komen? Of geloven ze daar nog heilig in de ooievaar? Huh? Waarom staat mijn naam er niet bij? Heb helemaal een stom googleaccount aangemaakt en dan werkt het niet. Dit is van je liefhebbende zusje de heks van de rikkert.
ReplyDeleteLOL That's hilarious! I asked my kiwi fiance once if she wanted to be arsoned instead of cremated. My auntie (Dutch), who's married to a Welsh men, asked if he wanted to be engraved. He asked if she was talking about a tattoo, but it turned out to be she meant to say buried.
ReplyDeleteMy uncle wanted to say something sweet to my auntie tho and was waiting for the right moment. The response was not what he expected as it was more like WTF? It turns out he said 'oh, mijn pompje', instead of 'mijn popje'.
My fiance lived in Belgium (Flanders) for a year to go to high school there. When she was running late for a class and the teacher asked her why she was late she shouted "IK BEN BEVALLEN!". The whole class cracked up as all she wanted to say was "Ik ben gevallen!"
Err, I think I just commented under the wrong post LOL...