Saturday, October 1, 2011

Drive me mad! Fuck the system part 2.

I recently lost my bag which contained a mobile phone, a block of cheese (now very, very ripe medium cumin cheese from the one and only Dutch shop) and worst of all, my wallet. Not the end of the world, but it is quite a nuisance. Means getting everything replaced, especially annoying with bank cards, credit cards, access cards and driver's license. I have become a bit of a pro at this, considering I lose my bag or phone at least once a year on average but that's a different story.

Anyhow, I went through the usual processes in order to replace what needed replacing.
This went without much hassle, until it was time to get the new driver's license.

In order to get a replacement driver's license, you need to bring ID. The problem was that I didn't have any other ID at hand. I had just sent my passport off for renewal and this was going to take six weeks. My only other ID was my driver's license which was what I had come to replace, because it was either stolen or thrown away. The only other acceptable document was a genuine copy of my birth certificate.

I thought I was in luck. When I got married several years ago I had to supply exactly that, as well as a professionally translated version, signed by the Justice of the Peace. Surely that would do?

How silly of me to assume (it is not without reason they say "assume makes an ass of u and me"). As mentioned in an earlier blog, The System cannot think for itself. It is in place for the sole purpose of being. It is, therefore it is. And be it does! The System is there, to be held in place with the utmost caution. Logic or common sense do not come into effect, they have no place within The System.

The birth certificate was acceptable on the condition that it had to have been issued in New Zealand. I was not born in New Zealand, therefore such a document does not exist. The idea of going six weeks without ID was not a favoured option, because of the fact that I am handicapped by my extraordinarily youthful looks. You see, I apparently still look like I am 17 because I almost always have to show ID when I go and buy alcohol (both those times a year that I do).

"SO." I said to the man behind the desk applying The System. "Seeing the circumstances, why don't you just actually look in The System? If you type in my name and date of birth, you will see a picture of me, which is the very same picture that will be printed on that driver's license that I am here for to get renewed. Look at the picture, then look at me, look one more time at the picture to be sure, and if it matches, voila!" Right?

But no, that would be common sense and common sense is not written into any sections or clauses within The System. So I just waited around for six weeks instead to get my passport to show to the man behind the desk to compare to the picture on the screen to obtain the driver's license to obtain alcohol... SIGH. Just had to get that out of my System.


  1. Wat ben je toch een columnist, en wat moet je er een boel voor doen om een flessie wijn te kunnen halen in betuttelland. Wat ik me ook bedacht, waarom heb je niet al je tickets gecancelled en opnieuw geboekt in het vorige stukkie? Dat levert dat kutsysteem lekker veel extra werk op, dat zal hem lere!
    Groetjes Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedith

  2. Omdat dat me dan een vermogen gaat kosten, de ticket van Auckland naar LA alleen al zou me 250 Pond kosten om te annuleren, en alle andere tickets krijgen ook allemaal annuleringskosten erbovenop!
